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A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought – they must be earned.

who we are

We have provided a diverse assortment of items to customers globally. Our efforts have been well- received and praised. We eagerly anticipate new endeavours!

Pratyaksha Medicare Research was founded in 2016 by a team of Researchers from world-class academic and research backgrounds to help achieve our clients their organizational goals. Pratyaksha Medicare is an expert company in the industry providing a full range of data collection services, Consumer Research, Business Research and end-to-end solutions in the sphere of Research worldwide.

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Research paper writing services

Words Doctorate Research Paper Writer can write Paper based on Experiment...

Survey/Review paper writing

Take notes Read all relevant papers and document relevant notes...

Synopsis writing

All in all, a synopsis should be halfway between a sales pitch...

Technical Feasibility report

A technical feasibility study assesses the details of how you intend to deliver a product or service to customers...

Research proposal

TITLE. Your title should give a clear indication of your proposed research approach or key question...

Proof reading

What is proof reading in writing? Proofreading is the final stage of the writing process when the...

Plagiarism free writing

"Remember that quoting someone else's idea without citing it properly...

MATLAB & Java Implementation

You can access existing Java classes to use in the MATLAB workspace...

Literature Review

Narrow your topic and select papers accordingly...

Dissertation writing

A dissertation is an extended piece of writing of between ten and twenty thousand words...

English Literature writing works

Literature is a term used to describe written and sometimes spoken material...

English Language correction

Read. Reading may be the number one way you can improve your grammar skills...

Latex formatting for all types of

The purpose of this topic is to explain...

Web development

Web development is the work involved in developing a website for...

SPSS analysis, Data analysis

These notes are designed to provide readers with a practical...

Technical language correction

You've endeavored to finish your scientific or technical...

Document editing based on journal

Journal editors evaluate all manuscripts that are...

Scientific image editing

Crop your image and clean them up...

Reference addition for documents

Click at the end of the sentence or phrase that you want to cite...

Research paper publication

How to publish your research...

Research proposal and Research paper presentation assistance

TITLE. Your title should give a...

Embedded projects

Home Security with Voice Alerts & Virtual Keypad Authentication.

2D & 3D graphing, plotting and analysis for scientific data

Present your data at its best...

Get in Touch

We offer High-quality Research Services across the Globe. Let us know what you required, and we’ll advise you on the best way to achieve it. We help our clients to optimize their research processes while utilizing the knowledge of our experts sourced from different industries.

Want to reach us by phone? Call us for local sales inquiries or visit our locations page for a full list of global offices and contacts.



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