In this privacy policy the terms "PRATYAKSH", "our", "ours", "we", "us", "company" refer to
PRATYAKSH MEDICAL CARE LLP, a company registered in India with the LLP Identification Number
(LLPIN)AAH-653 having corporate office at A7, 2nd Floor , Sector 10, NOIDA -201301
The terms "panel member", "you", "your”, "yours", "his", "her”, "their", "theirs" refer to
current members of pratyaksh ’ panels.
A panel member is someone who subscribed to our online panel by filling out the form found
at our website and clicking the "Register" button underneath it. By
clicking on the same button you confirm that you agree to this Privacy Policy.
Personal data includes the type of information by which a person can be identified,
including name, email address, place of work, physical address, etc. This data is collected
either at panel registration stage or later, during the time that person is a member of our
Processing personal data refers to any operation performed upon personal data, such as
collection, recording, organization, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval,
consultation, use, alignment, combination, blocking, erasure or destruction.
Securing the privacy of the personal data our panel members provide us is a priority for our
company. This privacy policy is intended to describe how pratyaksh ensures the security of
storing and processing the personal information our panel members send us, in accordance to
the law.
The processing, use, storage and/or destruction of personal data are made in strict
accordance with the Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the
processing of personal information and the free movement of such data.
Accessing and using the website pratyakshmedicare.cominvolves your explicit acceptance of
this privacy policy. This privacy policy may be changed at any time without a prior notice,
so that it is kept in accordance to the legislation and/or company policy. It is therefore
important that you review this privacy policy on a regular basis to be aware of any changes.
pratyaksh will make every effort to publish a link to this privacy policy in any survey
invitation sent to panel members and within each member’s account.
A cookie is a method of storing a small amount of information in a web browser, so that it is not necessary for the same data to be reintroduced every time on the same device; the purpose of using cookies is to facilitate navigation on the Internet.
pratyaksh will not disclose the personal information in its possession to a third party
without the express agreement of the panel members. Personal data is collected and processed
only based on the explicit agreement of the panel members, both at panel registration stage
as well as during specific surveys or during the time a person is a member of our panel, by
asking members
to update their information on consumption, personal interests, attitudes etc. on a regular
At panel registration phase, pratyaksh will require some basic personal information: email
address, password, date of birth, sex and zip code where the future panel member lives for
more than 6 months in a year. All this information is mandatory for a person to join the
panel, as it is essential to guarantee the quality of responses to our surveys. Name is also
required as optional information. During the time someone is a panel member the information
we may ask include (but is not limited to): education level, number of children in the
household, age and gender of children, personal income, household income, the industry panel
member is currently employed in, different preferences for goods and services and more.
Filling out this information is not mandatory and does not affect in any way the membership
in our panel, but the more detailed is the information provided, the higher the chance of
qualifying to future surveys.
However, some Research studies can only be conducted based on specific personal information
of the panel members, which should be disclosed to our customers. Such studies are those in
which a physical product is sent to the panel member for testing purposes or those in which
the customer wishes to directly interview our panel members. In those cases, pratyaksh will
require the explicit consent from panel member regarding the collection and disclosure of
that personal data and will require the third-party clients that have access to the personal
data to sign a special agreement through which they commit that the information will
strictly be used for Research purposes and exclusively within that study.
pratyaksh may disclose personal data of panel members when there is a court order
in this regard.
Collection and processing of personal data is always done according to law.
Whenever personal data is collected a link to this privacy policy is accessible to any
current or future member panel. Personal data may be collected both from the person who is
or will be a member of our panel as well as from any member of this person’s
In both cases, the following information is disclosed to the user at the time of collection
of personal data:
If data is not collected directly from panel member, pratyaksh will also ensure that panel member is informed about this before actually starting the collection of personal data.
pratyaksh shall disclose in writing the purpose or purposes for which personal data is
collected at the time of their collection.
The purposes pratyaksh collects personal data are:
If pratyaksh has to use the personal data for a different purpose than originally communicated to the panel members, it will make this known to the panel members before the actual use of such personal data. The panel member has to give the consent so that his/her personal data can be used for other purposes, except when the law allows the data usage to be made without a specific prior agreement. pratyaksh will not use the personal data for direct marketing, promotion, advertising or sale of any products and services.
pratyaksh only collects personal data that is essential to ensure conducting sociological research within normal quality parameters. We never collect more personal data than necessary for the purpose stated. pratyaksh only processes the information that is relevant and appropriate to the purpose for which they are collected.
pratyaksh keeps the personal data provided by panel members only for a limited duration, as long as it is necessary to the stated purpose for which they were collected. Depending on the initial purpose stated the shelf life of personal data may vary. The personal information that is no longer relevant or necessary for the stated purpose will be destroyed.
pratyaksh will not process the personal data of panel members without their explicit
consent, unless the law allows that the usage of data can be done without a prior agreement.
pratyaksh will inform the panel members about the processing of personal data before or
while they are collected.
In case we use a list of respondents supplied by a third
party we will ensure that respondents on that list have given their consent to have their
personal data processed, before that data is used by pratyaksh .
Our panel members
have the right to accept or reject participation in any study. This does not affect the
panel membership status in any way.
Sometimes, some studies require interviewing over the phone or face to face. pratyaksh will always require written consent from panel members to participate in such studies. It is totally the option of panel member if he/she wants to participate or refuse participation in these types of studies. If a panel member agrees to participate in a survey by phone or face to face this means the panel member has given his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal information necessary to carry out that study. Subsequently, if the panel member wants to withdraw his/her consent given to the processing of personal information, he/she can do it through a written notice sent to this email address: [email protected]
pratyaksh avoids collecting personal information deemed sensitive: data about religion, sex, political, race, ethnic origin, trade union membership, physical and mental health and criminal record. However, if it is essential to collect certain sensitive information in order to conduct a survey, pratyaksh will get the written consent of the panel member before collecting the sensitive information.
The safety measures pratyaksh takes to prevent the risk of loss, theft, unauthorized collection, disclosure, copying, modification or destruction of personal data of panel members are:
Our managers and employees respect the confidentiality of personal information we hold. The
access to panel member’s account is protected by a unique email address and password so that
only panel member can access his/her own personal information.
Panel members are asked to never reveal his/her personal account password to third
parties. pratyaksh never asks the password to the account of a panel member. Our employees
and managers process personal data using maximum security measures, in accordance with this
Privacy Policy, regardless of the place data is accessed.
Our panel members always have the possibility to request information about how we process their personal data, to have access to them or to request us to change or delete them. This can be done by sending a written notice to [email protected] pratyaksh will do everything possible to promptly answer any inquiry and to provide the applicant with all the required information.
pratyaksh may not provide panel members with access to all their personal data in the following situations:
Whenever pratyaksh cannot fulfil the demand of a panel member asking to have access to
his/her personal data, the panel member will be informed in writing about the reason of
Any panel member has the opportunity to unsubscribe panel membership by clicking on [email protected]
and sending out email to remove the account.
For further information about this Privacy Policy, please contact [email protected] or use the form you find on the contact page.