Our team comprises experienced & passionate trainers with highly experienced Medical practitioners conducting top-notch, interactive & result oriented training programs, our trainers are certified instructors from the Red Cross and ex-AIIMS and Indian Defense Services

Training in CPR can turn every Indian into a life savior

For any certification need please contact us at 9667151600, 9999387423 or email us at [email protected]

Basic Life Support (BLS) CPR & AED

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Basic first aid & CPR training

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Why is first Aid Knowledge Important?

Someone without oxygen can suffer brain damage in just four minutes and brain death in just 8 to 10 minutes. In many cases, it can take 10 minutes or more for emergency medical personnel to arrive.

More than 5,190 workers died on the job in 2021

70% of deaths from heart attacks occur before reaching the hospital

Proper first aid procedures may mean the difference between life and death?

Medical emergencies can happen to anyone at any time and most of the people do not know what they need to do in such emergencies, proper first aid procedures may mean the difference between life and death?

You can save someone's life if you know first aid, so knowing about basic first aid is necessary for the safety of your colleagues, employees & children. Remember giving first aid without knowledge may worsen the situation.

He took a note of existing norms in western countries, where students of High Schools are trained in CPR.

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